Coffee beans

What are coffee beans?

Coffee beans are the seeds of the fruits of coffee trees. Red coffee berries are harvested by hand. They are processed in various ways, each of which gives the beans unique taste properties. Then they are dried and roasted.
The production of high-quality natural coffee requires delicacy. This is a complex process that is approached very responsibly and creatively to obtain the desired taste and aroma.
Coffee beans or ground coffee depends on how demanding a coffee lover you are. Of course, freshly ground coffee beans retain the maximum taste and aroma. In addition, you can control the degree of grinding, taking into account the method of preparation (in a coffee machine, French press, Turkish coffee maker or cup). Ground coffee loses quality due to oxidation, but high-quality packaging minimizes these losses.

Coffee bean varieties

Coffee bean characteristics, such as taste, aroma, acidity, and aftertaste, vary.
Accordingly, they are used to prepare different drinks in different ways, choosing the optimal set of properties. One type is better suited for making filtered coffee, the other for espresso or latte.
The most common types of coffee are Arabica and Robusta.
Arabica has a mild, aromatic taste with a slight bitterness. This type is grown at an altitude of more than 1,000 meters above sea level in Africa and South America.
Robusta has a more bitter and sour taste. It is grown in Vietnam, India, and Uganda at lower altitudes. This type of coffee does not have the refined taste of Arabica, but it is more saturated and stable. In addition, it can be bought much cheaper.
In terms of chemical composition, robusta contains more caffeine than arabica, but there is more sugar and essential oils in arabica.
Other types are less common, in particular due to low yields and high prices.
To obtain a more balanced taste, manufacturers practice blending. A blend, or coupage, is a combination of different coffee beans. The difference can be both in the coffee variety and in the degree of roasting.

Grading of coffee beans

Each variety of coffee beans has its own characteristics, which, among other things, affect how the beans behave during processing. And these characteristics are taken into account by manufacturers. Coffee fruits differ in size, color, shine, shape, and friability.
To buy quality coffee beans, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • The beans must be whole, without chips, and uniform in size and color.
  • A quality bean has no spots or changes in shape, it is smooth and slightly glossy.
  • The color can vary, depending on the degree of roasting, from beige to chocolate. Too dark a color may indicate low quality.
  • It is important that you like the aroma of the coffee. The smell of a spoiled product may be bitter or give off a dampness.
  • During brewing, fresh, high-quality coffee bubbles, has a denser crust and a persistent aroma.

 Roasting Coffee Beans

Green coffee beans have a light herbal aroma and neutral taste. It is the heat treatment that allows you to release the unique taste and aroma of coffee.
There are 3 types of roasting: light, medium and strong.
The color of freshly roasted coffee beans varies from beige to chocolate.
When buying coffee, you should consider what drink and how you plan to prepare it.
Kyiv City Roastery offers to use light-colored beans for making filter coffee. It is from such beans that we make drips.
We recommend medium roast coffee beans for making espresso. This coffee is the most balanced, it reveals the properties that were laid down by the farmer to the maximum. However, if you like a very pronounced taste, rich color, you can use a strong degree for espresso.
When choosing the degree of roast, also consider the following:

  • Light coffee is more difficult to grind at home
  • Less roasting time – more acidity
  • Longer roasting time – increased sweetness and bitterness

Buy the option that will taste right to you.

 Coffee composition

Like any product that we add to our diet, coffee beans can be both beneficial and harmful. It all depends on the quantity and quality of the product consumed.
The lipids in the composition have an anti-inflammatory effect, affect skin health. They are good for the liver and reduce the risk of cancer.
Calcium, magnesium, potassium are minerals that regulate metabolism, normalize blood pressure and improve overall health.
Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system. With moderate consumption, a person becomes more concentrated, cheerful and attentive. Excess caffeine leads to sleep and heart problems.
Chlorogenic acids reduce the level of cardiovascular diseases, sugar, and improve metabolism. They have antioxidant properties. However, it is because of these acids that you should not drink coffee on an empty stomach. This can lead to irritation.
Proteins and carbohydrates form the taste and aroma of the drink depending on the degree of roasting.
Differences in the composition of coffee depend on the variety of beans, place of cultivation, method of processing and roasting. The storage method and brewing method also affect it.

Coffee beans of different varieties have differences in chemical composition, for example:

  • Arabica contains less caffeine, but is softer and sweeter than Robusta due to a higher amount of sugars and lipids.
  • Robusta is richer in caffeine and chlorogenic acids than Arabica, therefore it is more bitter and strong.

The chemical composition of coffee beans also depends on the country of origin, or more precisely, on the climate, soil quality, and altitude. As a rule, chlorogenic acids and antioxidants are more abundant in coffee grown higher above sea level.

Coffee Flavors

Chemical compounds in coffee determine its aroma and taste. Depending on the variety, origin, processing method, and roasting method, some aromas and flavor notes are more pronounced, while others are less pronounced.

The temperature and duration of roasting have a significant impact on the taste and aroma. The degree of roasting affects the taste and intensity of the aroma. As the color intensity increases, the flavor and aroma intensity increases.

In 1995, the Specialty Coffee Association introduced the Flavor and Aroma Wheel to the public, which includes nearly 100 descriptors.

The most common flavor profiles are: fruity, nutty, chocolatey.

The washed processing method and light roasting add fruity notes to the coffee beans. Strong roasting gives rise to chocolate and nutty tones, adds bitterness.

    How to choose coffee beans

The choice of coffee depends primarily on individual preferences.
The most important recommendation is to buy coffee from producers you trust.
When buying coffee, pay attention to its integrity, size, uniform color, and color intensity, which can tell you both about its taste and quality. It is very important to enjoy the aroma.
Take into account the country of origin, the flavor composition depends greatly on how high above the sea the coffee berry ripened, and how it was processed by the farmer.
You can get a consultation by phone and, with the help of a manager, decide on a purchase.
Kyiv City Roastery holds tastings. This is an opportunity for true gourmets who know their way around coffee.

Advantages of coffee beans

The ritual of making coffee beans takes more time. This is the time to enjoy the rich aroma and taste of beans that have retained a maximum of their properties.

Coffee beans:

  • Guarantees quality. It is practically impossible to fake coffee beans.
  • The beans retain their freshness and aroma much longer.
  • Allows you to choose the degree of grinding depending on the preparation method.
  • Influences the emotional state. Under the influence of the aroma, endorphins are released – mood improves.

   Coffee in Kyiv City Roastery

For almost 10 years, we have been offering our customers high-quality coffee of our own roasting.
Since 2020, we have been among the TOP-10 roasters in Ukraine.
Over the years, our volumes have grown from 36 kg to 30 tons per month.
Grateful for your trust, we value our reputation and provide a high-quality product at a fair price.
For example, 1 kg of Brazil SantosArabica coffee beans will cost 790 UAH, while 1 kg of Columbia MonteblancoArabica 89 Baliv with notes of melon, pineapple and bubblegum will cost 1800 UAH.
We care about the quality of coffee, service, related products and services. Among other things, we guarantee fast delivery.
Free delivery for orders over 800 UAH.
Today, our range includes coffee from Colombia, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Italy, Brazil, Honduras, Kenya, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Tanzania. We offer classic and unique types of coffee, follow trends, experiment with blends and roasting. Even the most demanding customers will find an interesting option for themselves.

    Coffee beans wholesale

We provide each wholesale client with an individual approach, offer free consultation and tasting to determine the ideal coffee for your business. A wide range of coffee, including decaffeinated, free delivery, flexible discount system – our advantages in the coffee market.

  Popular questions

How to store coffee beans so that they stay fresh longer?

Coffee beans should be stored in a dry, dark, cool place in an airtight container.

  • What grind should I choose for different brewing methods?

Coarse grind 4-6 mm is optimal for all filter options – V60, filter coffee makers, cold brew, Aeropress.
Medium grind is suitable for cooking in a geyser coffee maker and a cup.
Fine – for espresso coffee machines.
And the smallest, similar to dust or gunpowder, is suitable for a Turkish coffee maker.

  • Does packaging affect the quality of coffee?
    Yes. High-quality packaging is the key to preserving the taste and aroma of coffee.