
Coffee beans Guatemala Huehuetenango Arabica espresso


Arabica grain Guatemala Huehuetenango. Freshly roasted coffee from Kyiv City Roastery.
Descriptors: white grapes, cocoa.
Indicators on a taste rating scale from 1 to 5:
Saturation: 3
Acidity: 3
Sweetness: 3
Processing: customs


Guatemala Huehuetenango Arabica Coffee Beans is a freshly roasted coffee from one of Guatemala’s best coffee regions, renowned for its bright fruity notes and soft acidity. Its rich flavor with hints of dark chocolate and floral accents makes it an ideal choice for lovers of balanced coffee.

This freshly roasted coffee from Kyiv City Roastery is made from Arabica from the Huehuetenango region.

Descriptors: white grapes, cocoa.
Indicators on the taste rating scale (from 1 to 5):

  • Saturation: 3
  • Acidity: 3
  • Sweetness: 3
    Processing: customs

To get the Limited pack design, select the option “250 g Pack Design for the Independence Day of Ukraine” in the “Weights” menu.

Huehuetenango is the highest non-volcanic region of Guatemala, famous for its coffee production. The local Cuchumatanes Mountains are the highest non-volcanic massif in Central America, creating unique conditions for coffee growing. The region borders Mexico, and thanks to dry winds from the plains, it is protected from frost, allowing coffee to grow at high altitudes.

Because Huehuetenango is a remote and inaccessible region, farmers process their own coffee. The berries are dried in the sun and then sold at the market.

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