50 years ago, when specialty coffee was unheard of and taste wasn’t as important as it is today, coffee people decided that bigger was better. We still pay more for Kenya AA or India Plantation AA than for Kenya AB or India Plantation AB, and overpay for Maragogip. How does that reflect today’s taste?
The only argument in favor of larger beans is that such beans have received more nutrients during ripening, which means that we can expect them to have a more interesting taste in the cup. However, using coffee of different sizes (take, for example, any Ethiopian) leads to uneven roasting – small beans will roast differently than large ones, and this will contribute to a greater number of flavor nuances. There is a point of view that large beans have a cleaner taste in the cup, but are inferior in complexity to assorted ones from different screens.
Everyone can answer the question about “size tastes good”. It makes sense to compare only different screens of the same batch, otherwise the results will be unfair. The experiment should be repeated more than once to build several hypotheses. The experiment itself is as follows. Take a batch of coffee and sort it using sieves. Separately roast sieve 17 and sieve 18. Compare with each other. And so on several times to eliminate the influence of random factors – uneven roasting, for example.
The sieve itself, or screen, indicates the diameter of the hole through which the grain of the corresponding size passes. The formula for converting sieves into centimeters is simple: sieve / 64 * 2.54. So, sieve 17 is 17/64 * 2.54 = 0.67 cm. Sieve 18 is 18/64 * 2.54 = 0.71 cm. From the formula it follows that the step between two adjacent sieves is 1/64 * 2.54 = 0.04 cm. that is, grains of size 18 are 0.4 mm larger than grains of size 17.